
On top of it all, I do have some additional hobbies and activities that I do on the side. I enjoy problem solving and creative thinking, and as such my time will be spent on such related tasks. I am also a big fanatic of LEGOs and Transformers having a sizable collection. In other words, there are quite a few bits and pieces that are pretty interesting which don’t fit into the above categories, and as such will be mentioned here!

Toy Collection

I was gifted my first Lego set as well as Transformers figurine at the age of 3! Since then, I have been an avid collector of both series along with many other different lines of toys. They have consistently been a hobby of mine, providing unique puzzles and sources of creativity for me to spend hours upon hours on. Till this day, the collection is still slowly building up!

My first LEGO set at age 3

5 Year Old me with toys!

My first Transformers Convention (TF Con 2019 Toronto)
Left - Getting an autograph from Aaron Archer (lead designer for Transformers)

Partial demonstration of my 12-year Transformers collection


Another thing that I enjoy tremendously is traveling the world. It amazes me to see all of the differing culture in different countries and being able to visit them and experience it first hand is extremely exhilarating. I’ve ventured all over the US and Canada as well as visiting Spain and provinces of China as well, and each trip has been eye opening and rewarding as I was exposed to new traditions, different food, activities, and much more. My dream vacation venues at the moment are Norway and Australia, and hopefully I get the chance to visit them soon!

My travels with classmates to Spain!
Click here to read a blog article recouting this trip

Visiting grandparents in Toronto and touring University of Toronto

Traveling to Washington DC with classmates

Vacation to Lake Tahoe with friends and family

Root seeking summer camp in Jingdezhen and Lijiang with cousin

Language and Music

I’ve always enjoyed language learning as a child, and naturally being Chinese I have pursued studying of Mandarin. On a different note, Spanish has been particularly of interest to me, so I started Spanish lessons as a kid, and have continued classes in high school. Albeit very cheesy, another language that I am very passionate about is the one known to be “universal”. I have played piano for 10 years as well as 5 years of cello, and enjoy making/playing music as a hobby. I love listening to pop music as well, which I do whenever I get a chance to!

First piano recital (left) and piano adjudications (right)

Chamber Orchestra at Aspire Middle School for the Performing Arts - First Chair

Concert Orchestra at Interlake High School - Second Chair

Martial Arts and Lion Dancing

I also strive to learn and preserve my culture, which I work towards through my learning of martial arts and lion dancing, both which I have pursued for 5+ years as a hobby. Not only providing a source of exercise, it also teaches me how to defend myself, learn the long preserved culture and traditions, among many other things. I do occasional performances of both to help support the community while also spreading the Chinese culture.