Civic Engagement

I love helping people, and as a result, have always been involved in local communities and what not to lend a helping hand. This interest of helping people started all the way since I was 6 years old, and to this day, takes the form of volunteering and hosting events, doing projects to spread the message of civics, founding a non-profit organization, and much more!

Senior Class Office

During senior year, I was elected as one of 5 students onto class office to reperesent my graduating class. We were in charge of planning all the senior tradition based events, as well as fundraising, encouraging spirit, and so much more. At the end of the day, it feels great to know that we succeeded in all of our efforts, most notably a beautiful prom at the Seattle Aquarium, an amazing graduation at University of Washington's Alaska Arena, a fabulous senior sunset at Golden Gates park, etc. So much love to the class of 2022!

The Mu Foundation

Back in March of 2020, a group of friends and I came up with the idea of creating a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in hopes to spread the message and resources of STEM learning to local communities, and especially those in underprivileged demographics. We, 100% student led, under the name of "The Mu Foundation" have developed an adaptive online trainer for various science topics for all to use, as well as curriculum for in person outreach events to help spark students’ interest in topics they traditionally don’t have access too. As president, I have been working hard with my 8 other board of directors to consistently support our 60 contributors, improve our services, spread our message, and especially, make a genuine impact on our society. To learn more, please click here!

Pathway Foundation Mayoral Internship

To further extend my knowledge about civics and being involved in the community, I joined Pathway Foundation’s Mayoral Internship in fall of freshman year and have continued this program up till now. Here, we work with Bellevue City Councilmember Conrad Lee to work on high school student driven projects in spreading the message of civic engagement as well as promoting it within the community. I started off leading the Digital Platform project with a team of 4 which was in charge of everything technical related for the organization, with our main focus being the implementation and maintenence of their website. To make the website more customized for our needs, I learned PHP coding to build a mailing list management as well. As of recently, I have taken part as one of the executives running the Civic Club Network project, which works towards establishing civics related clubs in local high schools. On top of this, I am also president of the Interlake Civics club. These positions and opportunities have helped me develop even more leadership skills while also opened my eyes up to the true world of civic engagement, and it’s quite a sight to see!

Pathway Foundation Annual Conference 2019
Internship Project Lead Panel

End of the Year Digital Platform Project Report + Website Revamp Presentation

Pathway Foundation Showcase at CIE Annual Convention

Pathway Foundation Attending Civic Saturday Hosted by Eric Liu

Fundraising for Local Communities

Aside from hosting events, I also showcase my learned talents at local events to help fundraise for the community. I have shared lion dancing, martial arts, orchestra performances at varying library events, talent shows, and more in an effort to earn money for local school programs, libraries, food banks, etc. It puts a smile on my face for the chance to present to people what I have practice over time for the sake of getting more funds for well deserved groups.

Lion Dance Performance at Hands On Children's Museum

OACA Thanksgiving Celebration Fundraising Event Lion Dance + Orchestra Performance
Learn more about this event here!

Annual Lion Dance and Martial Arts Performances at Local Libraries

Event Hosting

My experience with service and volunteering comes in many forms, but the simplest of all, of course, is volunteering for local organizations. Over the years, I have helped various organizations host and run events, such as New Year Celebration Galas, Annual Conventions, math competitions, and the like. I have volunteered for organizations such as Little Masters Club, Seattle Chapter CIE, local Chinese Schools, Microsoft CHIME, and much more. It brings me a lot of joy helping people from decorating venues to help making events room smoothly, and is something I do year after year guaranteed.

Proctoring and Organizing CIE Annual Math Competition and Science Fun Event

Organizing and Preparation for Annual Microsoft New Year's Festival
Group Picture with Microsoft CHIME's Board of Directors

Mineplex Staff

As part of my free time, I also am a volunteer staff member for a Microsoft Affiliated Company by the name of Mineplex that designs games. Here, I focus on bridging the gap between the community and development to make the platform best as possible, while also working on game design, quality assurance testing for games and bugs, as well as translating the network into Chinese. It’s been incredibly fun seeing my work be something that is dished out to thousands of users while also working with fantastic people around the world striving to make improvements consistently.